Psychological solutions are your opportunities
- Most people naturally try and solve problems using logical solutions, which usually have been tried;
- If you try to solve a problem with logic, what comes out of it usually is a undifferentiated solution;
- If you want to charge for a premium, you need to come up with psychological solutions;
- Some examples:
- Commuter complain about trains being too slow:
- Logical solution: make trains faster to increase satisfaction;
- Psychological solution: decrease the pain of waiting by adding a dotted map;
- Psychological solution: pay models to be the hostesses on the trip (people would wish it took longer to get to their destination!)
- Elevator is too slow:
- Logical solution: make elevator faster;
- Psychological solution: add floor to ceiling mirrors so people are distracted staring at themselves and forget how long they were on the elevator.
- How do we increase sales?
- Logical solution: make it cheaper.